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The Kosovo Print Media Council is a self-regulatory body formed for and by the print media sector. Its mission is based on the convictions of the Code of Written Media of Kosovo. The KMSHK was established with the help of the OSCE in Kosovo in September 2005, while the Office of the KMSHK started regular activity in December 2005.
Free speech, the right of citizens to be fully informed, in time, and the full respect of the ethical code of journalism are the basis on which KMShK operates. The purpose of the KMSHK is to protect the citizen from untrue articles and to protect the journalist from unsupported complaints.


The Kosovo Print Media Council now has 40 regular members, from newspapers, portals and news agencies, and their number is growing. KMSHK has three independent members, the chairman and two vice-chairmen. The assembly of members consists of representatives of newspapers, news portals, periodicals, news agencies, and blogs.
The strategy of KMShK for the period 2019-2024 will focus on strengthening compliance with the Code of print media in Kosovo; the education of new generations of journalists and journalism students regarding the principles of the Code of written media in order to ensure the right of citizens to be informed correctly and in time.



Council of Written Media of Kosovo

Imer Mushkolaj, executive director of KMSHK

Nora Behluli, complaints officer

Address: Edit Durham Square 23/5 10000 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

Tel: +381 (0) 38 739 398