File a complaint

Self-regulation of print and electronic media would not be achieved without the role of readers and visitors of these media.

Filing complaints against unprofessional journalism, which does not respect the Code of Written Media of Kosovo, simultaneously protects freedom of speech and the right to the truth.

Complaint to the Council of Written Media of Kosovo

Self-regulation of print and electronic media would not be achieved without the role of readers and visitors of these media.
Filing complaints against unprofessional journalism, which does not respect the Code of Written Media of Kosovo, simultaneously protects freedom of speech and the right to the truth.

How to submit a complaint?

You can send the complaint to KMSHK in writing, through regular mail or e-mail.
It is requested that you indicate to the media against which you are complaining, the article, the date of publication of the article as well as where you think that the medium in your case has violated the Code of Written Media of Kosovo. The written complaint must be accompanied by a copy of the writing of the medium, respectively a copy of the writing of the electronic medium.

However, you should check if you are looking for:

  • publish your rebuttal;
  • correction;
  • completion of published writing; or
  • the apology;

The Council of Written Media of Kosovo will consider complaints that arrive within one month from the date of publication of the contested article.

Further procedures

  • The Secretariat of the Council of Written Media will contact the editorial office against which the complaint was sent, from which its response or explanation regarding the complaint will be requested.
  • The secretariat may also use the right to mediate between the complainant and the editors to clarify the disputed case.
  • If no agreement is reached on the publication of the response, correction, or apology by the editors, the secretariat sends the complaint for consideration to the Board of the Council of Written Media of Kosovo.

Ways of sending a complaint to KMSHK

Filling the form

    By regular mail:

    Address: Rr. Garibaldi OB-1, HY-19, Nr. 12, 10000 Prishtinë
    By e-mail: