
  • 22 January 2024

    Mobilization for Protecting the Public Interest in the Media

    In repressive regimes around the world independent journalism has been operating under pressure and in some of them has been literally wiped out. The media crisis is, however, global, with media being captured largely by corporate and political interests. The global trends of polarization and radicalization amidst the wars in…

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  • 25 September 2023

    Press Council calls on the media to be careful in reporting

    Press Council of Kosovo (PCK) calls on the media to respect the code of ethics when reporting on the situation in the north of the country. PCK reminds the media to be careful in reporting in crisis situations, sensitive situations, privacy and protection of sources. Likewise, PCK calls on the…

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  • 13 April 2023

    The code of ethics for print and online media

    This Code, drawn from existing international standards of journalistic practice, serves as the foundation of system of self-regulation that shall be considered morally and professionally binding on reporters, editors, owners and publishers of newspapers, online media (news portals) and news agencies, hereinafter the print media. Journalists and editors shall adhere…

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File a Complaint

Vetërregullimi i mediave të shkruara dhe elektronike nuk do të arrihej pa rolin e lexuesve dhe vizitorëve të këtyre mediave.

Dërgimi i ankesave kundër gazetarisë joprofesionale, e cila nuk respekton Kodin e Mediave të Shkruara të Kosovës, njëherit mbron lirinë e fjalës dhe të drejtën për të vërtetën.

Si të parashtroni një ankesë?

Ankesën në KMSHK mund ta dërgoni me shkrim, përmes postës së rregullt ose postës elektronike. Kërkohet që ta cekni mediumit kundër të cilit ankoheni, shkrimin, datën e botimit të shkrimit si dhe ku mendoni se mediumi në rastin tuaj ka shkelur Kodin e Mediave...

File a Complaint File a Complaint
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